$104 per week is the average rent increase in Queensland
SQM Research – Property – Weekly Rents – 4000 (September 2021-2022)
35.9% total renters in Queensland
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2017-2018). Housing Occupancy and Costs, Queensland.
43% of renting households in Queensland are families with children
The Department of Housing and Public Works. (November 2019). A Better Renting Future- Safety, Security and Certainty: Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement.
Renting is on the rise among all age groups
Australian Government Productivity Commission. (September 2019). Vulnerable Private Renters: Evidence and Options. Productivity commission research paper.17.
17.5 months – median length of tenancies
Residential Tenancies Authority. (2019). 2018-2019 Annual Report.
20% of private renters moved out involuntary
Australian Government Productivity Commission. (September 2019). Vulnerable Private Renters: Evidence and Options. Productivity commission research paper.
8 of the top 20 federal electorates in Australia in rental stress are in QLD
Everybody’s Home. (May 2019). Revealed: 8 of the 20 worst electorates for rental stress are in Queensland.
44% of people find a 10% increase in rent hard to afford
Choice, National Shelter, the National Association of Tenant Organisations. (2018). Disrupted: The Consumer Experience of Renting in Australia.
40.8% paid 30% of their gross income on rent.
The Department of Housing and Public Works. (June 2020). Queensland Housing Profiles: Housing profile- dwelling and household characteristics. Queensland Government Statistician’s Office, Queensland Treasury.
18% only had $250 leftover after paying the rent.
Australian Government Productivity Commission. (September 2019). Vulnerable Private Renters: Evidence and Options. Productivity commission research paper.
42% of renters’ homes need repair
Choice, National Shelter, the National Association of Tenant Organisations. (2018). Disrupted: The Consumer Experience of Renting in Australia.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]